Limpopo Resilience Lab


Project Reports
Limpopo Reports
Training Resources


Project Data
Data Resources


Principal Investigators



Data Repositories

Weather and stream data were collected and uploaded to public repositories.


Use the map below to navigate to the sites and see which parameters are monitored. Data are available from the respositories above.


Stations are equipped with research-grade instuments. Two stations have telemetry, but other stations are remote and require manual downloads. The primary goal of the stations is to provide research data for monitoring water resources and calibrating models.

Meter Atmos41 is a weather station that reports the following values. Relative humidity is calculated from temperature and vapor pressure according to the method described in the Hydrometeorological Station Network report.

Meter Hydros21 is an underwater sensor that records relative water pressure (the sensor is vented to the surface near the datalogger), temperature, and electrical conductivity.

HOBO Tipping Bucket is a standard tipping bucket preciptiation gauge with a local data logger.

HOBO Water Level Loggers are stand-alone absolute pressure sensors that are deployed in rivers and groundwater monitoring wells without telemetery.